Case Study 7:


blue logo flow ai

The Customer

  • Leading UK law firm
  • Operates globally with London HQ
  • Trusted adviser to corporates, financial institutions and governments worldwide.
  • 2,800 employees

The Problem

  • A customer delivered internal Print Room providing services using dated technology
  • The outsource to external print companies nearly 50% of all reprographic requests, at considerable cost, despite having an internal Print Room
  • Limited digital services to support evolving end-user requirements
  • Little focus on customer service by the Print Room team, with a poor reputation across end-users

What We Did

  • Transferred the Print Room operation to Flow AI, including TUPE transfer of the existing team
  • Rationalised the staff and equipment inline with requirements, whilst investing in new technology
  • Stopped the use of external print companies, focusing work through the internal operation, resulting in better utilization of the Print Room and significant cost savings
  • Introduction of digital-first services
  • Introduction of a customer service manager and customer service training for the team


  • Capture
  • Create

What We Achieved

  • A more responsive and customer-focused service, providing an improved level of support to end-users
  • Savings of +£400k within the first year of the contract
  • Improved access to digital services, through the use of eBibles and eCourt Bundles
  • Improved control and governance of document production